STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about 433MHz (7)

| Having digested Elektor’s Nixie Bargraph Thermometer article [1] one reader based in the American Midwest kindly advised that temperatures i...

| Not much is required to detect the state of a switch or contact from a distance if you use cheap, ready-made modules that operate in the LPR...

Member Only​

| El-cheapo wireless doorbells across the globe are so unoriginal it makes you wonder how much more e-rubbish we can tolerate in and around ou...

Member Only​

| We use our Embedded Communication Connector (ECC), as a gateway module. Our USB-FT232R breakout-board (110553-91) can be connected to this c...

| We use our Embedded Communication Connector (ECC), as a gateway module. Our USB-FT232R breakout-board (110553-91) can be connected to this c...

Member Only​

| [This question has been answered, the solution can be found in the comments.]

| [This question has been answered, the solution can be found in the comments.]