STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about ATtiny (44)

| Want to create a remote-controlled alarm for your electric bike? You can with an ATtiny85, a hacked door alarm, and a 433MHz transmitter. En...

| Struggling with repetitive ATtiny DIP8 programming? Discover EasyTinyProg, a clever solution that streamlines the process, minimizing errors...

| Have you ever worried about your balcony plants when you're away? This project was born out of the need for a reliable solution to keep your...

| Even if you don't ride a motorbike, you are sure to find this innovative DIY handlebar remote control project inspiring. The smart solut...

| With this circuit featuring a single ATtiny85 microcontroller, you can simultaneously obtain three square waves of different, user-defined f...

| Mole hills can ruin your carefully manicured lawn in no time at all. If you guard your precious garden with an electronic mole repeller, thi...

| I/O ports control the pins of a microcontroller and allow them to be individually configured as input pins or output pins. That’s such a bro...

| The highly popular ATtiny and ATmega microcontrollers (formerly from Atmel, now from Microchip) are based on the 8-bit AVR microcontroller a...

| The book, Explore ATtiny Microcontrollers using C and Assembly Language, provides an in-depth look at the 8-bit AVR architecture found in AT...

| Anyone who designs, builds, or repairs radio receivers can make good use of a small AM signal generator. With a suitable signal waveform, yo...