All items tagged with Battery and Current (11)

| I wrote previously that it is hard to pass the EXIT / AUSGANG gates at the embedded world trade show in Nuremberg and not have a few demo or...

| The board described here measures the voltage and the current up to 170 A supplied by the battery in your scale model, then transmits these...

| Following the detailed description of the preamplifier in last month's installment, this second and final part of the article deals with t...

| This battery tester is capable of measuring the capacity of batteries up to 17 V at a maximum discharge current of 1 A. Remarkably, the test...

| Normally, stroboscopes, which are intended to emit short, intensive light pulses, operate from very high voltages. The present circuit wo...

| The circuit shown in here has been designed to protect (expensive) high-power resistors against overheating. Very high power resistors (...

| The battery charger is intended primarily tor charging, and keeping charged, without supervision, lead-acid batteries of cars and motorcyc...

| The battery charger takes its name from the IC it ts based on: the well-known Type U2400B processor. This IC was designed primarily for u...

| The regulated power supply and four identical current sources shown in the diagram enable the simultaneous charging of four 9-volt NiCd b...

| Ni-Cd batteries are now used in so much everyday equipment that most households need at least one suitable charger. The one presented her...