| You occasionally see advertising signs in shops with a blinking LED that seems to blink forever while operating from a single battery cell....
| You occasionally see advertising signs in shops with a blinking LED that seems to blink forever while operating from a single battery cell....
| A miniaturized wireless battery-charging chipset from STMicroelectronics saves space, simplifies enclosure design and sealing, and accelerat...
| This circuit gives a signal using an LED when the voltage of a monitored battery drops below an adjustable minimum value. The NEI (Near...
| Â Please click on the links to download the articles from Elektor.MAGAZINE (log-in required):
| The circuit described here is eminently suitable to indicate the capacity of a battery. We use a cheap electric clock for this. By connectin...
| This article shows a simple circuit for slow charging while preventing any risk of overloading the battery. The circuit consists of just fou...
| Most meter modules using a liquid-crystal display (LCD) and some using a light-emittingdiode (LED) display need a power source that is is...
| The circuit presented, although a simple design, guarantees a prompt and reliable indication of any form of water leak. It is hardly l...
| The tester checks whether a transistor, n-p-n as weIl p-n-p , works or not. If it does. the buzzer emits a squeak.
| Batteries often go flat at the most inopportune moments. What's more, frequently, this is not detected until it is too Iate, but this ca...