All items tagged with CAN and Radio (9)

| For aircraft enthusiasts and in particular plane spotters, it’s always interesting to listen to communications between aircraft and control...

| Anyone with an interest in radio DX-ing whether it be long wave, VHF or anywhere in between are faced with the same questions: which aerial...

| RADIO, TELEVISION VIDEO CW generator aid for radio amateurs The generator described can accept texts of up to 64 characters long and make th...

| Letters from our readers.

| This year, it is a hundred years ago that Marconi gave the first demonstration of a usable radio system near Bologna in Northern ltaly. F...

| The power that can be obtained from a standard car radio amplifier operating from a 12 V car battery is 5-6 W, which (for many listeners)...

| Welcome to this new two-monthly column in which we will be covering the fascinating hobby of long-distance TV reception, or DX-TV, as it...

| Amateur radio is expensive, or should I say it is if you buy all of your equipment. This cost deters many from a hobby that once investiga...

| The authors, two dyed-in-the-wool radio amateurs, describe how the facsimile decoder we published early last year for Atari and Archimedes...