All items tagged with FM and transceiver (5)

| Circuit Design Inc, the leading supplier of low power radio modules, has recently developed the UHF FM narrow band transceiver module STD-30...


| The modul RFM12 from HopeRF is a cheap transceiver, which operates in the 433 Mhz and 868 Mhz frequency band. Base of my implementation is t...

| The use of the low-cost RFM12 868 MHz (US: 915 MHz) ISM (licence-free) radio module with microcontrollers like the ATmega and the R8C13 is s...

| Although the squelch (noise suppression) function on most narrow-FM transceivers (including CB rigs) will work fine without too much atten...

| This transceiver was designed in response to a need for a simple, easy to build, self-contained radio for use through the loeal 23-em (...