STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about MSP430 (5)

| Two PCB's one for the SiLabs (Skyworks) Si4684 DAB IC one for a Frontier Siena module (early days)

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| This electronic earring with a diameter of 31 mm has eight LEDs, a voltage regulator, an MSP430 microcontroller and some passive components....

| Texas Instruments’ MSP430 microcontroller has a huge fanbase and thousands of students literally grew up with it thanks to even more free de...

| This handy device for ARM/MSP430 is a feature–rich multi–mode programming and debugging adapter for embedded systems. Used with a standard J...

by P.J.

| This round earring with a diameter of 31 mm has eight LEDs, a voltage regulator, an MSP430 microcontroller together with some passive compon...