STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with PWM and BBC micro:bit (5)

| AVR microcontrollers are popular, easy to use and extremely versatile. Elektor magazine already produced a wealth of special applications an...

| Atmel announced additional unique features to the already-successful 8/16-bit AVR XMEGA microcontroller (MCU) family with the industry's...

| You’ve just got hold of the latest whizzy IC and can hardly wait to start experimenting with its functions. It is highly likely that, like m...

| We have already taken a look at timers in part 3 of the course. The ATmega timer/counters have far more to offer than just measuring time. H...

| Atmel’s AVR450 reference board described in this article has just about everything you would expect from a high-end multi-standard battery c...