Studium Travel Taiwan 728x90

All items tagged with PWM and motor control (18)

| Small brushed DC motors are still widely used, from electric seats in automotive to power tools, so even though brushless motors seem like t...

| Every robot project needs at least one motor to make it move something like a limb or a wheel. Often there are more motors to control but sp...

| The STGAP2DM is the second FET dual-channel driver chip in the STGAP2 family from STMicroelectronics featuring galvanic isolation. It accept...

| megaAVR-based Board Integrates Wi-Fi, Sensors, and Security for IoT Designs

| Microchip announces a new family of dsPIC33CK 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers (DSC) which provides system designers with Digital Signal Pr...

| The Arduino and Raspberry Pi have revolutionized the field of embedded systems design. One area of widespread applicability for both devices...

| TMC8461 and TMC8462 are the first EtherCAT slave controllers with high voltage I/O and integrated real-time motor control peripherals.

| The STM32L4R9I-EVAL board from STMicroelectronics is intended as a demonstration and development platform for their Arm-Cortex-M4-based STM3...

| A new Raspberry Pi extension module called Talking Pi, manufactured by Joy-it and marketed by Conrad Business Supplies, serves as an extensi...

| This circuit is designed to allow a small DC motor to run at low rotational speeds. The motor is driven using a PWM signal, in which the dut...