STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Adafruit (14)

| Thomas McDonald’s original oscilloscope project for the Raspberry Pi, “Ohsillyscope,” got a lot of attention, so he’s open-sourced the code.

| Want a GoPro on the cheap combined with the fun of the Raspberry Pi? Enter the “GoPoor!”

| With their favored Teensy 3.6 boards being unavailable, Adafruit and friends have again demonstrated resourcefulness by using bit-banged USB...

| The BBC micro:bit was a great success, far beyond the educational market it was intended for. Now, Adafruit's CLUE has entered the fray with...

| If you like the BBC micro:bit, you might want to try Adafruit's CLUE, which comes with a display and more memory. And with BLE and integrate...

| With a clear business focus on keeping customer needs at the core of every operating decision, Distrelec, leading European distributor of el...

| As Editor-in-Chief of Elektor Magazine's German edition I am naturally concerned whenever I hear that we have lost one of our (loyal) subscr...

| Adafruit has announced the addition of the Feather 32u4 Adalogger to its Feather family of diminutive development and prototyping boards. Th...

| At the 10th annual Maker Faire Bay Area event held recently, Massimo Banzi, a co-founder of the Arduino system explained, in a flurry of han...

| If you’ve been wondering what to do with the 3D printer Santa left under the tree for you this Christmas then why not build yourself a Mac/R...