All items tagged with Amplifier and Construction (11)

| In this second and closing instalment we get real with two times 32 NE5532 opamps paralleled to form a high-end audio power amplifier with e...

| In the first part of this article, we described all of the circuit boards. Now it’s time to look at how they fit together. We first describe...

| Once you’ve stuffed all the boards that go into the design, the Valve Preamplifier is ready for assembling and wiring. The results (see pict...

| You should use only the best components to build a high-end amplifier, if you want to achieve and maintain the specified performance figures...

| This third of four parts deals primarily with the construction of the amplifier and ends with a brief resume of its performance and sp...

| Following the detailed description of the preamplifier in last month's installment, this second and final part of the article deals with t...

| The preamplifier section is intended to be built on the printed-circiut board. Since the various connectors and controls (except S1 and...

| Because of the special requirements of the amplifier, its construction is somewhat different from that of more traditional output amplifi...

| Following the circuit description in our January 1991 issue, we will now focus our attention on the practical construction of the preampl...

| The entire circuit shown can be built on the printed circuit board. The enclosure discussed later on houses the power supply the various...