All items tagged with Android and Elektor Labs (13)

| After several weeks of lock down you and your family have tried every game and toy available in the house, even those stowed away in the att...

| Even though today's computers, tablets and smartphones are capable of producing ultra high-quality digital audio, it's left to cheap digital...

| This is a typical one-thing-leads-to-another (OTLTA) project. It started by reading an item about a new component in the Elektor newsletter...

| Laird’s BL600 Bluetooth communication module, for which Elektor offers the famous e-BoB breakout board, is used here in a complete new and a...

by Lucky

| This board contains a PIC-microcontroller (PIC16F1938 to be more precise) that translates ASCII-commands received via a serial link to I/O o...

by Lucky

| This board contains a PIC-microcontroller (PIC16F1938 to be more precise) that translates ASCII-commands received via a serial link to I/O o...


| Our Raspberry needs a screen and a keyboard. Why not use an iPad or an Android Tab. If your Raspberry is in text mode, then we will exchange...


| This Project gives the participants of the Elektor Seminar "Android Apps Programming" of Mr. Veldhuizen (May 2014 Eindhoven) the possibility...


| Based on a publication in Circuit Cellar (Unleash Your Android Device’s Potential, Issue #281, December 2013) we designed a little PCB to co...