| In days of yore before all PCs came with USB ports we were busy toggling pins on the PC’s parallel port and communicating via RS-232. Nowada...
| In days of yore before all PCs came with USB ports we were busy toggling pins on the PC’s parallel port and communicating via RS-232. Nowada...
| Here comes a luxury problem! One of the stronger factors discouraging potential users to opt for STMicroelectronics microcontrollers traditi...
| Cool boards have cool names like Lion, Fox, Tiger and Dragonfly. Members of Arrow’s Smarteverything board family they excel in wireless capa...
| The STM32L4R9I-EVAL board from STMicroelectronics is intended as a demonstration and development platform for their Arm-Cortex-M4-based STM3...
| There are already many articles, projects and videos featuring the red Pretzel board which consists of an Arduino Nano with an integrated Wi...
| The FreeSoC2 PSoC® 5LP Dev Board uses Cypress ARM processors and built-in configurable hardware to make a versatile system that can be used...
| In the last installment of this series I ported my mini-library for publishing MQTT messages to the Pretzel board which has an ATmega328 and...
| The “Flip & click” from MikroElektronika is an Arduino Due with Arduino Uno R3 compatible shield connectors on one side and four mikroBus sl...
| Regular readers of this sequel will already know that for my first attempts to remotely control a desk lamp I used a PC as a relay station c...
| Control your lights at home, your LEGO Robots and many other wireless projects with the Pretzelboard, a low cost yet powerful easy-to-use I...