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More about Arduino on Course - Article Series (9)

| Here is a self-study tutorial intended as a first course in embedded microcontroller programming using a subset of the C language called “C-...

| Arduino Verkstad (“Workshop”) was tasked to create a set of educational experiments aimed at introducing Highschool students to electronics....

| We found out someone is eating the cookies from the jar in the kitchen! We discussed the issue and decided to set up a trap to reveal the th...

| “Picture this! A weekend off, you start rummaging your e-junkbox and hit upon these components. What would you do with them?” Well, I found...

| This month we show you how to read sensors connected to Arduino, into the phone. With all development tools in place, running code in your p...

| This month you will start experimenting with the Arduino Mega ADK board, exploring its capability to connect to Android phones and tablets....

| This month we’ll explore the possibilities offered by GSM and GPRS communication for your projects. We will link concepts like the Internet...

| Up to this point, you have been experimenting with code that can be generated directly out of the Arduino language. Now we proceed with meth...

| This article is going to lay the foundations for creating Interactive Sound Machines using a standard Arduino Uno board. However, all the kn...