All items tagged with Arduino and Display (10)

| Good news for users of the Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi board: you can now add a nice touch display to your board with minimum effort thanks to the...

| Looking to monitor sensor data accurately and affordably? Look no further! This Arduino Barometer project featuring BME280 and DWIN Display...

| Occasionally it may be useful to visualize a continuous stream of data arriving through a serial connection as a web page in a browser. But...

| Edition 3/2018 of Elektor Magazine has this project which scrolls text on a pretty row of eight 8 × 8 LED matrix displays. Its ESP-12F Wi-Fi...

| In the 2014 July/August issue of Elektor we wrote about our Arduino Extension Shield that, in particular for the Arduino Uno, provided addit...


| Here is a high-tech clock using full-color 7-segment displays or RGBdigits. Wi-Fi connected, it can also show room temperature, humidity and...

| Scrolling LED marquees are easily built with a few 8x8 LED arrays. However, 8x8 is not good enough for displaying all international alphanum...

| Internet of Things (IoT) manufacturer Ciseco has released the Pi-Lite LED display for the Raspberry Pi. The bright LED matrix boasts an on-b...


| I needed a tacho/RPM display for a CNC spindle. I decided to use an Arduino Micro and OLED display with a reflective LED/Photo transistor as...

| In many Arduino projects it is desirable or necessary to display information on an alphanumeric LCD panel: in the Arduino world this would n...