All items tagged with Arduino and Elektor Labs (60)


| At Elektor.Labs we produce a lot of printed circuit boards. Some of them are more versatile than others. In this project we use the 129009-1...


| Simple Arduino shield with a ULN2003 and some connectors. The I2C port is also brought out on the main connector K1.

| . Elektor’s latest T-Board 28 is perfectly placed to help you prototype your next low-power project, as illustrated in this build of a power...

by Lucky

| This idea was triggered by a ready-made project we received. It contained an XBee module which was used in transparent mode (in short: UART...


| This Arduino shield is capable of driving 4 Russian IV-3 7 segment VFD tubes. 4 3mm LEDs provide background lighting for the tubes.The desig...


| Introduction:A step-up or a boost converter circuit converts a low voltage into a higher value output voltage.


| Arduino shield for controlling something without touching the controller.


| See also the Platino Soldering Station for more discussions about this project.


| Update: We now have a fa​mily of T-Boards - for the ATmega328, ATtiny24/44/84 and the ATtiny 25/45/85 controllers.Refer to "version 0.3" bel...


| A simple Platino-based lab bench power supply for not too demanding (hobbyist) applications. Inspired by the “Lab PSU for Embedded Developer...