More about Arduino (617)

| Build your own SMS Remote Control with an Atmega328 at 16 Mhz and a SIM800L EVB, Arduino code. PCB gerber files included. Two codes availab...

| AC loads are everywhere around us because most home appliances are supplied with the mains voltage. Therefore, we always run into situations...

| Current measurement requires the use of an ammeter placed in series with the load. An ideal ammeter has no voltage drop; it is a short circu...

| With this circuit featuring a single ATtiny85 microcontroller, you can simultaneously obtain three square waves of different, user-defined f...

| With two tubes for increased sensitivity, this Geiger-Müller tube shield can turn your Arduino Uno into an instrument for measuring and reco...

| Join Elektor engineer Clemens Valens for a free webinar titled "Test & Measurement with Arduino" on August 11, 2022, at 16:00 CEST. Register...

| We have already featured a number of CO2 concentration meters in Elektor. Almost all of them feature a Wi-Fi interface so that you can check...

| Before you start working with moisture sensors, consider the following tips about sensor selection and sensor integration. Once you are fami...

| Want to learn about neural networks and how to give your Arduino a brain? Take the live Elektor Academy course, "Neural Network for Arduino:...

| Despite the challenges associated with COVID-19, the electronics industries in Western Europe and North America are showing signs of strengt...