All items tagged with Atmel and Arduino (7)

| Microcontrollers are capable of sending pixels to a monitor via a VGA or DVI interface. Whether with the ESP32 or the Raspberry Pi Pico’s RP...

| When a manufacturer releases a B version of an existing product the differences between the old and the new are usually small. Not so in the...

| The acquisition of Atmel by Microchip has been approved by Atmel’s stockholders, which completes the takeover from a financial point of view...

| Arduboy is a hardware development platform based on Arduino, an open-source community and tool chain for controlling electronics. Heavily en...

| All inventors, artists, makers and developers are kindly invited to show the world what they can create with Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft...

| The Wino board is an Arduino-like stackable development system which is both smaller and cheaper than Arduino units and features built-in Wi...

| If you normally use Atmel Studio to develop software for microcontrollers in the AT(X)mega family and are familiar with the advantages of wo...