All items tagged with Audio and Amplifier (83)

| Elektor has a long history of presenting innovative amplifer designs. Combining a classic Class-B design with short-circuit protection and u...

| Check out the latest installment of Elektor Lab Notes. We cover some of the latest projects we are working on, including the ESP32 Energy Me...

| Building a tube amplifier is a dream for many engineers and makers alike. But factors like the cost, large enclosure, transformers, and comp...

| For those who frown upon any shape or form of switched-mode power supply (SMPS) for the high-end Fortissimo-100 Power Amplifier, this projec...

| Need an alternative to a switched-mode power supply? This project yields a 500+ VA, linear, symmetrical voltage regulator marked by low drop...

| Total harmonic distortion (THD) is a key measure of the harmonic content of signals in power supply networks and electronic assemblies, such...

| To build an FM receiver, developers can use highly integrated chips, such as the TEA5767 from NXP. Here we describe an FM receiver with a fr...

| When you have a power amplifier connected after any sort of audio source, you usually need an additional power switch, which makes things in...

| Attention, audio lovers! What started as an Elektor Jumpstarter project is now the Elektor Fortissimo-100 Power Amplifier Kit. Check out the...

| Pre-order now! High-End, THD+N 0.0008 % at 50 W/8Ω, Max power (THD 1%) 98W/8Ω 188W/4Ω, Solid module, all THT components, ThermalTrak power t...