DownStream Webinar March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with Audio and Board (12)

| It seems that to even dip your feet in the ocean of DSP (digital signal processing) you need lots of SMD soldering skills and a ton of math....

| What do you think of a T-board with a small power amplifier and preferably also with a built-in speaker, so that you can make any audio sign...


| Up until now we only had digital T-Boards. Why not an analog one? We asked ourselves what could be a useful circuit when experimenting with...

by JW

| 10% Discount for GREEN & GOLD Members!

| It seems that to even dip your feet in the ocean of DSP (digital signal processing) you need lots of SMD soldering skills and a ton of math....

| Microchip Technology has released two new digital audio mixer boards, dubbed DM320014 and DM320413, built around a 32-bit PIC microcontrolle...

by Jacko

| It seems that to get your feet wet in the ocean of DSP you seem to need lots of SMD soldering skills and also a lot of math. Well, not any m...

| The general-purpose transformer board described in this article has space for two small mains transformers, two mains filters and two fuse h...

| This second and final part of the audio mixer board deals with the construction and the control of the board via a PC. To do this, all...

| The audio mixer board presented in this article cannot be compared with any mixer board previously published in this magazine. In a w...