STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Audio and capacitance (5)

| No worries, it's happened to everyone: you switch on an electrical device and the mains fuse blows. In most cases, that does not mean the eq...

| Written by an international and diverse team of writers, Linear Audio Vol 5 is the sixth installment of our bookzine dedicated to technical...

| To keep the circuit simple as well as compact, it was decided to use a chip made by Maxim Integrated Products, the MAX2606. This IC from the...

| Straightening the frequency characteristic of an audio system is possible by either of two types of equalizer: graphic and parametric.

| by R Shankar Switching audio signals digi- tally could be done with the aid of CMOS analogue switches or multiplexers. Simple as this may se...