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All items tagged with Audio and Class-D (11)

| Amidst the torrent of publications released by Elektor on microcontrollers, software, programming, and embedded platforms, suddenly there is...

| Elektor has a long history and a good reputation with high-end yet DIY, audio projects. This time we proudly present a new power amplifier a...

| Now hot off the press is Elektor’s first edition of 2017! It’s available for purchase either as a pdf document or a printed magazine with fr...

| At Elektor we have done several designs of adjustable power supplies based on switching regulators and so we know that doing this properly i...

| Compared to analog audio amplifiers like Class-A, -B and -AB, digital Class-D amplifiers have much higher power efficiency allowing them to...

| Time was when audio engineers carefully crafted amplifier circuits using time-honoured analog principles and any frequency greater than 20 k...

| Texas Instruments have introduced a new fully integrated Class-D mono audio amplifier with integrated speaker protection designed primarily...

| LAPIS Semiconductor has recently announced the development of a low power microcontroller that has an integrated 8-bit low power MCU core, s...

| The celebrated ‘555’ IC was originally developed as a timer device, but over the years this golden oldie has been used in all sorts of other...

| It’s easy to damage small speakers in portable devices and monitors when they are used to produce loud sounds or bass frequencies. The voice...