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All items tagged with Audio and computer (9)

| Even though today's computers, tablets and smartphones are capable of producing ultra high-quality digital audio, it's left to cheap digital...

| With two wireless smart buds and an app (what else) Here One combines conventional headphone functionality with smart listening and noise fi...

| Computer motherboards and lots of other computer devices are fitted with digital audio inputs and outputs in S/PDIF format, but which only p...

| Over the past few years the computer has changed from a word/graphics processor to an all-round unit that, among others, is suitable for r...

| When the loudspeaker of your audio installation crackles or your computer gives problems, the cause may lie in disturbances on the ma...

| This second and final part of the audio mixer board deals with the construction and the control of the board via a PC. To do this, all...

| By the middle of September 1992, the number of Sporadic-E openings dwindled dramatically, indicating that the main season was almost over...

| Infra-red remote control of audio and video equipment has been the subject of several articles in Elektor Electronics. This 80C32 applica...

| Recently, the growth in the number of video hobbyists has kept pace with that of computer "freaks". For this reason, we would like to devote...