ECIA - February 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with Audio and DAC (5)

| Want to measure the key characteristics of audio circuits? Join the June 29, 2023, webinar, "Affordable Audio Measurements," for tips on mea...

| The Elektor Audio DAC for the Raspberry Pi was still missing a vital part: a good power supply that provides both 5 VDC and 9 VDC outputs. E...

| Taking full advantage of the Raspberry Pi’s open architecture, you can customise and program the NanoSound HiFi DAC. With the Volumio softwa...

| To the delight of many, the previous issue of Elektor had a high-quality network audio player based on the Raspberry Pi/Volumio combination,...

| Small single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi are ideal for use as small stand-alone network audio players. With Volumio and other spe...