STM32N6 Webinar (728x90)

All items tagged with Audio and oscillator (14)

by jawi

| directly measure the resonance of a loudspeaker

| If we only used electronics to process existing signals, we would be missing an important aspect of electronics: generating oscillating sign...

| Here we present a direct-reading audio spectrometer using a microcontroller, a graphic equalizer chip, and not much more. Using seven vertic...

| Analog circuits have had their day; everything is digital now. Here we present a simple digital amplifier built with standard CMOS logic gat...

| When examining overload recovery in AC-coupled amplifiers or when testing the attack/release behavior of audio compressors, well-defined ton...

| LAPIS Semiconductor has recently announced the development of a low power microcontroller that has an integrated 8-bit low power MCU core, s...

| The story of the Hewlett-Packard Corporation began back in 1939, when William Hewlett used a tungsten filament lamp in a vacuum tube Wien Br...

| The celebrated ‘555’ IC was originally developed as a timer device, but over the years this golden oldie has been used in all sorts of other...

| Silicon Laboratories has introduced the industry’s first crystal-free USB to I²S audio bridge designed to support a wide range of codecs and...

| To keep the circuit simple as well as compact, it was decided to use a chip made by Maxim Integrated Products, the MAX2606. This IC from the...