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All items tagged with Audio and PC (8)

| Every PC, laptop, smartphone and tablet these days comes complete with software preinstalled for playing photo, audio and video files. But t...

by JW

| The latest volume of Linear Audio is now available in the Elektor Store! It is the ninth edition of the acclaimed bookzine series dedicated...

| The USB Audio-DAC described exactly two years ago received unexpected acclaim as a small external sound card. Soon after the publication we...

| This simple control circuit allows the level of an external stereo audio source to be adapted to the sensitivity of, for example, a sound ca...

| This circuit is pre-eminently suitable for PCs and laptops that are not equipped with a built-in sound card but do have a USB interface. How...

| This stereo amplifier uses a low cost, and widely available audio IC. The TDA2822M from ST Microelectronics. With the addition of a few pass...

| For recording you own CDs or editing audio files on the computer, it can be a good idea to have an S/PDIF input and output available, for...

| Today's personal computer, by virtue of its relatively low price and respectable computing power, is a perfect basis for a measurement sys...