STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Audio and remote control (7)

| Have you ever wondered what an infrared remote control sounds like? With this small circuit you will be able to find out!

| Volumio is a popular audio player app that runs on multiple platforms, and the Raspberry Pi is one of them. This project lets you add remote...

| This remote control is a solution to an almost universal problem. All audio and video equipment have their own remote control, with the resu...

| While looking for interesting items for our newsletter, I came across a smart remote control on Kickstarter that has already garnered over h...


| Some people would like to listen to a 5+1 surround audio system, but don't want to give up their stereo system. However, both systems in one...

| Modern audio and video systems, virtually without exception, use infra-red remote control. If one day (normally a Sunday) the remote contr...

| Infra-red remote control of audio and video equipment has been the subject of several articles in Elektor Electronics. This 80C32 applica...