STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about BASIC (136)

| Rediscover the power of MCS-BASIC-52 with the O-M-S-U project, bringing classic technology into the modern era with new expansion cards and...

| An old man stands up and is a veteran with a long tradition, especially here at Elektor. With MCS-BASIC-52 I have dared to make a fresh rest...

| With a BASIC interpreter running on an ESP32, it is easy to build a servo-mounted camera featuring pan and tilt control. No Arduino code, no...

| A bit of ANNEX32-BASIC-script-code to control an ESP32 based pan/tilt servo CAM. No ARDUINO-Code, no compiling … just run the interpreter on...

| This clock has two NeoPixel rings and some moving parts controlled by an ESP8266 that together form an object that can even display time in...

| In the previous edition of Elektor, Annex WiFi RDS was described as a platform for programming ESP8266/ESP32 controllers in BASIC. Now we ar...

| Annex WiFi RDS (Rapid Development Suite) is a development environment originally designed to use the BASIC programming language on inexpensi...

| In this new book Elektor author Tam Hanna presents all essential aspects of microcontroller programming, without overloading the reader with...

| A kinetic object that shows the time at two concentric NeoPixel-rings

| Not depreciating the B4A product proper in any way, Anywhere Software is wanting in power to encourage beginners to start programming their...