More about Battery (449)

| A key issue with lithium ion batteries is aging. It significantly reduces their potential storage capacity. To date, very little is known ab...

| In one respect all batteries are identical: sooner or later they die on you! Even rechargeable types are not immune from this problem, as th...

| The board described here measures the voltage and the current up to 170 A supplied by the battery in your scale model, then transmits these...

| Motor vehicle technology has come on leaps and bounds over the years but pop the hood on a modern day car and you are likely to see one piec...

| A novel design of supercapacitor using a hybrid silica sol-gel material and self-assembled monolayers of a common fatty acid has been develo...

| During the most recent leg of its circumnavigation of the globe the solar powered Solar Impulse 2 suffered what was termed "irreversible" ba...

| This little idea came about when I was pondering an accurate way of constantly measuring the voltage of each battery in my solar battery ban...

| A paper published in the June 17th edition of Nature Communications describes how the addition of two chemicals to the electrolyte of lithiu...

| Researchers at UCLA’s California NanoSystems Institute have successfully combined two nanomaterials to create a new energy storage medium th...

| IntroductionA simple Platino-based battery Tester is designed for not too demanding (hobbyist) applications. A simple way of establishing th...