More about Battery (449)

| This circuit was originally designed to power a motorcycle intercom from the vehicle supply system.

| Modern mobile electronic gadgets demand ever more portable and powerful energy storage devices. Research by battery manufacturers all over t...

| Valve circuits and radios in particular are graced by vast crowds of enthusiasts. If you want to keep your prize vintage radio as authentic...

| The use of batteries has never been greater. Batteries are becoming smaller and lighter even as they package more and more energy per unit v...

| This design is a follow-up to the triumphant ‘Battery Revitaliser’ project published in the September 2001 issue of Elector Electronics. Fro...

| Lead-acid batteries still form an essential part of the on-board power systems in cars, motorcycles, boats and caravans. In its new form, fe...

| Besides being handy for connecting and disconnecting equipment while the computer is running, USB includes a built-in supply line that can p...

| New technologies can introduce new problems. We haven’t really had enough experience in the use of Lithium-Ion batteries to make a precise s...

| A motorcycle or boat battery that is not needed over the winter is usually charged before being put away for the winter, after which it rema...

| With battery-operated equipment there’s always the risk of batteries being inserted the wrong way around. Although a diode or a bridge recti...