More about Battery (449)

| Together with a small program running under DOS, the circuit discussed in this article acts as an ADCbased voltmeter that allows you to ca...

| Although you may well be the proud owner of the very latest NiCd battery charger, you may still come across the odd 'incompatible' batte...

| Lead-acid batteries must not be discharged deeply. In the best case, this leads to an irreversible loss of capacity; in the worst case,...

| This design is based on the celebrated 555 timer IC, and changes a positive voltage of 9 V into a negative one. A low-power dc-dc conver...

| We are surrounded by batteryoperated equipment of all kinds, and this array is growing still. Manufacturers and designers lean over back...

| A pan pot enables a monophonic input signal to be positioned where desired between the stereo loudspeakers. When P1 (see diagram) is in...

| How many different conditions do you reckon may be signalled with just one LED? Two, maybe three? Using this simple circuit, a lot more!

| The design of the charger is similar to that of many commercially available chargers. The charger consists of a mains adaptor, two resis...

| The circuit of the running light comprises two integrated circuits (ICs), a resistor, a capacitor and seven light-emitting diodes (LEDs)...

| Electronic equipment is increasingly becoming smaller, lighter, and more functional, thanks to the push of technological advancements a...