More about Battery (449)

| This unit is intended as an add-on for the many lead acid battery chargers that have no charge indicator. A green LED shows that the bat...

| A part from use as a standard charger, the present unit may also be used for continuous trickle charging to keep a 12 V lead-acid battery...

| The lead-acid battery forms the heart of the electrical system in any car. If you are on a camping or caravanning holiday, it can happen th...

| If you have ever tried to start your car and found the battery (almost) as flat as a pancake, you will appreciate this miniature monitor,...

| Philips'IC Type TEA1100 uses the deltapeak principle to charge NiCd and NiM3 battertes fast and effectively. The ask of the delta-peak ba...

| The timer, based on EXAR'S Type XR2240, is intended for use in photographie and printed-circuit departments, as a standby switch for 1 V...

| When batteries are charged rapidly. the manufacturer usually recommends that after every fifth fast charge there ts a 'normal' charge, th...

| Philips' IC TypeTEA1041T is intended primarily for monitoring the voltage of 1.8-4.0 V batteries. Internal trigger and timing Iogic preve...

| Nickel-metal-hybride (NiMH) batteries have now become widely available. A typical one is the 120AAH, which has a capacity of 1.2 Ah in si...

| This nickel-cadmium (Ni Cd) battery charger is capable of charging up to eight cells individually. The power semiconductors needed to acco...