More about Battery (449)

| Many battery-operated appliances have an LED indicator that shows the state of the battery. If the battery is almost flat, the LED flickers....

| The monitor uses a two-digit 7-segment LED display to indicate the battery voltage. In addition to this, there are 'low and 'high' voltage...

| To make sure that a lead-acid battery (whether standard or sealed) is always fully charged, a constant voltage should be applied to it. C...

| The battery charger takes its name from the IC it ts based on: the well-known Type U2400B processor. This IC was designed primarily for u...

| The charger makes cunning use of the properties of a Type 555 timer. The tnternal window comparator of the lC is set to 4.7 V by zener dio...

| Fast charging high-capacity NiCd batteries with large currents does not only save time, but also prolongs their useful life. Moreover, if...

| The reliability of readings of battery-operated measuring instruments depends, of course, on the state of the battery. Even simple instrum...

| Although newer types of solar cell have come to the fore recently, amorphous cells are bound to be with us for some time to come, mainly...

| Halogen-lamps, particularly highwattage ones, tend to draw very high currents when they are cold, because they then have a very low resis...

| Model aircraft tend to be realistic reproductions of the real thing. That means, among others, that starting the petrol engine must be d...