| In older cars, the battery charging voltage is controlled mechanically. The regulator consists of a relay that switches the stator windin...
| In older cars, the battery charging voltage is controlled mechanically. The regulator consists of a relay that switches the stator windin...
| Simple battery chargers and power supplies are not normally provided with a current Iimiter. In many cases, however, it would be advanta...
| Various types of dry and rechargeable battery (with an e.m.f. of
| The regulated power supply and four identical current sources shown in the diagram enable the simultaneous charging of four 9-volt NiCd b...
| A frequent annoyance with battery-operated equipment is that just after you switch it on you notice that the battery is fIat. Quite proba...
| This little circuit switches off the equipment in your audio rack when this has not produced sound for some time.
| The charger deseribed switches off the charging voltage when the battery reaches its full nominal voltage and switches it on again when...
| The charge-discharge-idle (C-D-D monitor described here is suitable for all vehicles with a 12-V or 24-V battery of which the negative t...
| Everyone should clean his teeth a tleast a couple of times a day. Dental research shows that cleaning one's teeth for three minutes at a...
| Keeping your car battery constantly charged when the car is not in use appreciably increases the life of the battery. Charging is, of co...