More about Battery (449)

| Depending on their condition 1.5 V batteries supply a voltage of 1.2 ... 1.7 V. This circuit can be very useful when a project has to be fed...

| A simple and well-known circuit: a symmetrical supply constructed with an opamp for opamps and of course other small circuits that require a...

| Battery testers are used to give a decisive answer concerning the condition of a battery. The voltage level is normally used as an indicatio...

| NiCad battery monitor elektor december 1981 — 12-21 It would seem that batteries are specifi- cally designed to go flat at the most in- op...

| — t--- —22 • 104 • C1 • in For those in doubt the "try it and see" method may take longer but will work just as well. If required,...

| 7-18 elektor july/august 1980 25 This circuit is designed to charge 6 V/3.5 Ah batteries similar to those often used in flash equipment. Of...

| 4-08 — elektor april 1980 battery protection Don"t let your battery leave you in the dark Forgetting to turn off the headlights need no lo...

| 4-30 — elektor april 1980 battery voltage indicator d e a )r in thegreen or in the red? It can be rather a nuisance when a car battery goe...