More about Battery (449)

| In one respect all batteries are identical: sooner or later they die on you! Even rechargeable types are not immune from this problem, as th...

| Granted, there are simpler ways to monitor your car battery voltage, but in the age of networked vehicles, we can exploit IoT technology, te...

| Over the past months, the word blockchain has become an important buzzword that helps selling content. Mention blockchain and you have an au...

| The InMotion student team from the Technical University Eindhoven (TUE) in The Netherlands is grabbing this space to publicize they’re worki...

| The InMotion student team from the Technical University Eindhoven (TUE) in The Netherlands is grabbing this space to publicize they’re worki...

| Sounds crazy but it actually works! Install an app and extend your Android phone’s battery life by up to an hour extra a day...

| Researchers at the American RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) have significantly improved the performance of lithium batteries using va...

| It appears that Europe is way, way behind China when it comes to the production of batteries. Billions will have to be invested to keep up....

| This is a submission from Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH on the smart Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) BMI270 that scores with incre...

| Researchers at Tohoku University and Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization have developed a new complex, superionic hydride...