STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about BBC micro:bit (117)

| The Joy-Car is an autonomous robot car based on the BBC micro:bit. It comes as a kit of parts and must be assembled by the user. No solderin...

| The BBC micro:bit microcontroller board was handed out to one million pupils in the UK so that they could learn about programming at an earl...

| The BBC micro:bit Electronic Adventure Kit has an original, solderless approach of connecting electronic components and building circuits.

| Innovation in the electronics industry has continued despite the recent resurgence of COVID-19 cases in Europe, the United States, and beyon...

| With five million BBC Micro:bits in use for learning digital skills and computer thinking, the revamped micro:bit — Micro:bit V2 will be ava...

| This is a submission from Microchip on its next generation AVR® DA family of microcontrollers (MCUs) – its first Functional Safety Ready AVR...

| The Otii software together with the Otii Arc power supply forms a high-precision current meter and power supply for low-power device develop...

| The Otii energy optimisation tool allows precise current- and energy consumption measurements of low-power devices like wearables or IoT edg...


| The latest AVR microcontrollers from Microchip like the ATmega4809, ATmega3209, ATtiny816, and ATtiny1616 are programmed through a Unified P...

| Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest semiconductors and electronic components, is now stocking the AC...