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More about Behind the headlines (44)

| While we fixate on sexy headlines about Chinese military threats in the South China Sea, for instance, or Washington 'lifting the ban' on cr...

| Today’s main feature is about the scenarios Shell recently published. In the near future EER will pay attention to the scenarios of other ma...

| Around a decade ago voices could be heard in the EU, that it was not desirable to become more dependent on the energy import from Russia. Th...

| Neutrality, a listening ear and rational decisions that everyone can understand; are those the qualities that make it possible that one man...

| It is not so long ago that natural gas was to be considered as the most promising fuel to deliver the necessary flexibility to the power mar...

| In a recent newspaper interview David Gee expressed his concern about the underestimation or denial of potential danger. He is pleading for...

| This is the principle question behind today’s main feature as far as our writer Olgu Okumus is concerned. However, the developments in this...

| Although The Netherlands is blessed with its own natural gas reserves, a high quality transport infrastructure and extensive knowledge about...

| An intriguing paradox can bring light into a metaphorical darkness of choice. Sometimes a must leads to a breakthrough. “As long as there’...

| The Nordic Balance Settlement has the potential to be held up as an electrifying example for the European Union. Although quite some differe...