STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Bicycle (38)

| The TU Delft and Koninklijke Gazelle have developed a prototype of a bicycle with a smart steering assistance. In the future, this bicycle w...

| Having lived in Asia for a long time (Shenzhen, China, and currently Hong Kong), I regularly ride my bicycle to work, or to train for triath...


| The 2018 edition of the Tour de France, the world’s most famous bicycle race, starts next week. If you are going to follow this event you wi...


| Riding a bike to work, to the stores or just for fun is a pleasant occupation and normally it's good for the environment and your health. Un...

| The TUDelft has been working on a wireless charging station for electric bicycles that operates from solar energy. The charging station deri...

| Is it a bicycle? Is it a motorbike? No, it is a bicycle that rides itself. This auto-balancing bicycle is actually an electric bicycle exten...

| The Bikee Bike e-bike kit lets you convert your bicycle in 15 minutes to a maximum of 999-W-powered mountain climber with a torque of 120 Nm...

| Three ‘rocket scientists’ (their own words) have presented a new concept on Kickstarter for converting an 'ordinary' bicycle into an electri...

| Bike share systems are becoming increasingly popular in order to preserve the transportation systems of large cities. Cities such as Barcelo...

| Holland has more bicycles than people in the country, and the same goes for smartphones. Although it’s ethical to say that cyclists are quit...