More about blind (8)

| In good experimental fashion, this project is a valuable study into what can be achieved with ‘commodity embedded technology’ like a Raspber...

| Europe has a great history in fusion research. It was the Englishman Eddington, pairing results from Aston’s mass spectrometer with Einstei...

by bera

| Raspberry Pi distance measuring robotics - Blind man's aid 

by bera

| Raspberry Pi distance measuring robotics - Blind man's aid For Games, Microsoft Windows is king, for networking Linux or Unix is king but...

| In October, two new bills will be examined in the French Parliament, which, if adopted, will halt any further development of shale gas and o...

| When the load of a power supply is not purely resistive but reactive, or worse, non linear, the current through the load may not have the sa...

| Substantial use of sustainable energy can only be realised if electricity can be stored on a large scale. In batteries for instance. Japan h...

| Sun blinds, whether of the traditional awning kind or of the modern metal roller type, provide welcome shade in the summer and , in the ca...