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| Have an idea for an innovative DIY electronics project? Or maybe you already have a project that you'd like to share with the world? Check o...

| The MightyOhm Geiger Counter is a device for detecting beta and gamma radiation levels. Because radiation is so harmful, you may want to kee...

| An oscilloscope is an instrument that displays the evolution of one or more voltages over time. But how do you use it?

| An oscilloscope is an instrument that displays the evolution of one or more voltages over time. But how do you use it?

| Volta, Ampère, Watt — we use their names all the time, but what do we really know about the people who laid the foundations of modern electr...

| Volta, Ampère, Watt — we use their names all the time, but what do we really know about the people who laid the foundations of modern electr...

| Wi-Fi is great for quickly connecting devices to a network, but it is a bit power-hungry and therefore not the best solution for low-power s...

| Dragino is a manufacturer of IoT hardware, specialized in Linux IoT/VOIP, Arduino Yùn add-on boards and LoRa modules and gateways. One of th...

| Low-power sensors can use a MySensors network to integrate smoothly into Home Assistant. Here is how.

| Wireless mice, especially the older ones, can turn well-protected computers into vulnerable systems. Cheap and readily available tools like...