All items tagged with Bluetooth and Elektor Labs (14)

by Ramji

| Want to build a compact Bluetooth speaker with ESP32 and MAX98357A amplifier? With this project, you can stream high-quality audio using A2D...

by RoV

| Because the first musical Tesla coil the author built was not entirely satisfying, he decided to build another one following a new approach....

| After several weeks of lock down you and your family have tried every game and toy available in the house, even those stowed away in the att...

| This is a typical one-thing-leads-to-another (OTLTA) project. It started by reading an item about a new component in the Elektor newsletter...

| Wireless Bluetooth speakers and sound systems have quickly become very popular devices. Although very practical, the sound quality may not a...

| Laird’s BL600 Bluetooth communication module, for which Elektor offers the famous e-BoB breakout board, is used here in a complete new and a...


| I came up with this project because a colleague of mine wanted an easy way to control his three garage ports, so I thought it would be nice...


| This project suggested lighting a lamp or electrical products via Android phone (iPhone need to make the simple program) by simple commands....


| I love Bluetooth. I sought a model more accessible than BLE112 Bluegiga Technologies and found the BL600 from Laird Technologies.


| Will I benefit from a good day? How do I have to get dressed? I put forward an external thermometer to you which communicates with your iPho...