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| When building IoT applications with the Raspberry Pi, one comes into contact with a wide range of technologies. Most books focus on one or a...

| Sensors are a worthwhile topic to write about: They bring electronics projects in contact with the real world and facilitate all kinds of pr...

| I met the authors of this book during the 2016 edition of Elektor’s Fast Forward Award event at the electronica trade show Munich. There, M...


|  LET'S MAKE! (a deal)During April 2014, all members posting projects in Elektor.LABS will receive a "Fun with LEDs" book for free.

|  LET'S MAKE! (a deal)During April 2014, all members posting projects in Elektor.LABS will receive a "Fun with LEDs" book for free.

| It must come as no surprise to you that the print industry (books, newspapers and magazines) has a huge carbon footprint due to the producti...

| As several of the Tips in this book have discussed, users are always interested in ways they can improve their system performance. Severa...

| In their book MatchBox BASIC Computer the authors describe a way of connecting a 12-bit analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) Type MAX187...

| Here are the newest releases of this month.