All items tagged with Bus and Elektor Labs (10)

| Where many homegrown continuity testers are limited to a battery and a buzzer or maybe just an LED, this design uses a Wheatstone bridge ins...


| Imagine you want to measure soil temperature. For ease of use and precision an electronic thermometer with an easily readable display would...


| The Inter Integrated Circuits bus, better known as I²C bus, was developed by Philips in the 1980s to connect a microprocessor or microcontro...


| Sometimes a small, simple project posted on Elektor Labs may lead to new discoveries. Take this one, a converter for connecting an eBUS to a...


| Connecting two or more I2C devices sometimes requires level adaptation since on device might be using 3V3 and another 5V. Providing adequate...


| -Temperaturmessung mit 1-Wire Sensor DS 18S20-Attiny 45 zur Anpassung an Elektor Busprotokoll-Anschluss & Auswertung von 4 Sensoren möglich

by JN

| A C-library which "hides" the ElektorBus-protocols (ElektorMessageProtocol and ApplicationProtocol) and makes the actual bus-application-cod...


| -Messung des Füllstandes mit zwei Sonden mittels Widerstandsmessung     und Auswertung über ADC-Wandler. -Ausgabe der ca.Liter Menge (Voll=2...

by pmit

| This design provides an I2C bus connection to the PC’s serial port. From a hardware point of view this serial port version of an I2C interfa...


| Here we start kicking around ideas and plans for a dedicated Elektor Bus system. Please join the discussion.