All items tagged with Bus and I2C (16)

| Interested in learning about serial, I²C, and SPI? Join Elektor on April 20, 2023 (4 PM Berlin) for a free webinar about the most popular co...

| When you want to connect two or more I2C devices together there may, in some cases, be the requirement to change the voltage level of the si...

| This last installment of our series picks out three I2C devices for closer examination: a temperature sensor, a port expander and a real-tim...


| The Inter Integrated Circuits bus, better known as I²C bus, was developed by Philips in the 1980s to connect a microprocessor or microcontro...

| As we have seen previously in this series, the SERCOM module in the SAM D20 can be configured as a U(S)ART or as an I2C interface. To comple...


| Connecting two or more I2C devices sometimes requires level adaptation since on device might be using 3V3 and another 5V. Providing adequate...

by pmit

| This design provides an I2C bus connection to the PC’s serial port. From a hardware point of view this serial port version of an I2C interfa...

| To avoid address conflicts, every peripheral on an I²C™ bus must have a unique address. Sometimes, however, peripherals may be assigned th...

| When the SDA (Serial DAta) lines on both the left and right lines are 1, the circuit is quiescent and optoisolators IC1 and IC2 are not...

| In some cases, it is desirable for the input and output of an PC bus to be electrically isolated. This is achieved in the present circui...