All items tagged with Bus and MIT (5)

| A PiCAN 2 HAT provides your Raspberry Pi with full CAN-Bus capability: CAN v2.0B at 1 Mb/s and high-speed (10 MHz) SPI Interface. It uses th...

| Elektor Business Edition 4/2018 (Automotive) is now available. This issue features articles and interviews on a wide variety of automotive-r...


| -Temperaturmessung mit 1-Wire Sensor DS 18S20-Attiny 45 zur Anpassung an Elektor Busprotokoll-Anschluss & Auswertung von 4 Sensoren möglich


| -Messung des Füllstandes mit zwei Sonden mittels Widerstandsmessung     und Auswertung über ADC-Wandler. -Ausgabe der ca.Liter Menge (Voll=2...

| Aviation has most definitely jumped on the eco bandwagon, judging by the amount of press releases I bump into lately. I consider that good n...