All items tagged with Bus and Temperature sensor (6)

| This is a submission from Sensirion. The company has entered into a cooperation with Alps Alpine in the field of humidity and temperature se...

| Elektor Business Magazine (EBM) Edition 6/2017 is now available for Elektor GREEN and GOLD Members and has a strong focus on Production Meth...

| This last installment of our series picks out three I2C devices for closer examination: a temperature sensor, a port expander and a real-tim...


| Imagine you want to measure soil temperature. For ease of use and precision an electronic thermometer with an easily readable display would...

| The I2C-bus has been dealt with before in Elektor Electronics. Most readers will know that this bus requires only two signals to communicate...

| In many areas of daily and technical life, making temperature measurements is the most important instrumentation task. ‘Intelligent’ digital...