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All items tagged with China and Elektor Energy (26)

| As the first and fourth biggest emitters in the world, the role of China and India is crucial in the fight against climate change. The COP21...

| At The Hague II Ministerial Conference on 20-21 May, China signed the International Energy Charter (IEC), joining more than 70 countries acr...

| This report compares energy efficiency policy in buildings in China, Germany, and the United States, providing the context for, and describi...

| A new report released by EuropeanVoice examines the factors that are making investors nervous about renewable energy in Europe, and looks at...

| Just when you thought it was a good time for summer vacations, China has been busy rewriting the upstream acquisitions script, and doing so...

| This paper assesses the extent to which China is likely to achieve levels of shale gas production by 2020 which would make a meaningful diff...

| China has reached a crossroads. After years of political stability and enviable economic growth, the regime has been facing a stark choice a...

by BP

| China became the world’s largest energy consumer in 2010 overtaking the USA during a year which saw the rebound in the global economy drive...

| After its independence from Sweden in 1905, Norway was the third-poorest country in Europe. Only Finland and Iceland were less well off. Sin...

| To understand the burgeoning electric vehicle EV industry, it is important to look at all forms of electric vehicle, land, sea and air. Chin...