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All items tagged with China and Geopolitics (8)

| China has reached a crossroads. After years of political stability and enviable economic growth, the regime has been facing a stark choice a...

| New research published today by the International Energy Agency (IEA) highlights inaccuracies in some commonly held views of China's Nationa...

| Future historians may well agree that the twenty-first century Silk Road first opened for business on December 14, 2009.  That was the day a...

| No political risk appears to be too high for China in its quest for energy and commodities. The Chinese seem to thrive on political instabil...

| If you want to know which way the global wind is blowing (or the sun shining or the coal burning), watch China. That’s the news for our ener...

| The world was surprised when China emerged in 2004 as a major importer and consumer of oil. Today, that surprise has been replaced by growin...

| In 2007, China`s natural gas consumption increased by 23.8% and attained 69.5 billion cubic metres (bcm) (NBS 2008). Thanks to this rapid in...

| China is well on its way to becoming a major player in the global energy market. The EU should define a strategy of cooperation, says Profes...