All items tagged with climate change and Elektor Energy (367)

by EER

| Between the Copenhagen and Paris climate summits the banking sector has supported the coal industry with billions of dollars. Coal financing...

| As the first and fourth biggest emitters in the world, the role of China and India is crucial in the fight against climate change. The COP21...

| Today will be the first day of the long-awaited COP21, the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convent...

| Fossil fuels have been the dominant source of energy for global economic prosperity for over 150 years and today still accounts for over 86%...

| Europe has a great history in fusion research. It was the Englishman Eddington, pairing results from Aston’s mass spectrometer with Einstei...

| As the COP 21 in Paris approaches, this is probably one of the most fruitful moments for action against climate change, but it is not withou...

| Europe faces a massive challenge as it seeks to manage the transition to non-carbon based energy, but it must not forget the need for oil an...

| In the past five years the European power market has seen a sharp drop in the utilization of gas-fired capacity, with renewables and coal ta...

| The economic and social hardships of the past years of crisis, as well as the recent political changes in Greece have undoubtedly been under...

| At The Hague II Ministerial Conference on 20-21 May, China signed the International Energy Charter (IEC), joining more than 70 countries acr...